Fifteen minutes. One cup of coffee. Five great links.
- CustomerOps reminds us all that there are times when "Is there anything else I can help you with" is NOT applicable!
- From CRM News Blog, we learn about a study showing that companies expect IT projects to fail. I wonder if there’s an IT department out there that operates with a customer service mindset.
- Jam Mayer at Call Center Script shares ideas for those supervisors who must endure the madness of coaching to metrics. Just a reminder to any call center managers or corporate executives who happen to be reading: call metrics are not a good indicator of service quality!
- I just have to give props to Ann Onimous for writing such a brilliant defense of QA analysts everywhere!
- Research Recap has a great post recaping a 2007 Global Customer Service survey. No surprise – expectations are up while 6 in 10 respondents say that they’ve stopped doing business with a company based on poor service!