The mantra: One cup of coffee. Fifteen minutes. Five great links.
- Check out Starbucker’s new site for Ramblings from the Glass Half-Full. Not only does it look great, but it’s got all the great optimistic content SB has always given us!
- Michael Moser over at Call Center Script turned me on to a budding catoonist in the Philippines doing call center comics. For those of us who don’t speak Tagalog – there are English translations in her posts.
- I love David Morse’s at Customer Ops take on the Top 10 Things Customers Want. It sounds eerily like my own thoughts. David and I need to do coffee sometime!
- Connie Smith pointed us to a great blog post by Judy McLeish at the Employee Factor who gives us pointers for helping employees through the stressed out holiday season.
- Speaking of stressed out employees, one of our favorite QA analysts – Ann Onimous – is feeling stressed out, burned out and unappreciated. Can you relate? How about stopping by and spreading a little cheer and encouragement?